positive psychology asheville, NCOne of approaches I use most prominently with the clients in my Asheville counseling practice is Positive Psychology. Positive Psychology is an emerging focus in the field of psychology.  The focus of Positive Psychology is on researching and then implementing findings on what supports individuals, communities and countries to thrive.

I was very fortunate to attend the first World Congress on Positive Psychology in Philadelphia, June 18th through the 21st. The energy of being in a conference with over 15,000 positive individuals all focused on learning about positive psychology and the latest developments in researching well-being was electrifying.

One of the most well-researched Positive Psychology interventions to reduce depressive symptoms and to increase well-being is the 3 Blessings exercise. To try this exercise, each evening before you go to bed, write down 3 things that went well that day and why they went well.

Feel free to share with me your experience of doing this exercise, by leaving a comment below.

I look forward to sharing more positive psychology tools and resources in upcoming posts.

For information about counseling sessions in Asheville, NC or consulting and coaching sessions by phone go to Deborah Barnett’s psychology website.

Deborah Barnett, Ph.D.